Carbon Neutral Printers & Managed Print Service

As companies strive to become greener and reduce their carbon footprint they look at many avenues and ways to do so, from recycling, investing In renewables, considering travel arrangements and using sustainable suppliers. BAC as a supplier can help you, with a wide range of carbon neutral devices (from small desktop printers to inkjet production devices).
Whether you’re looking for new devices, a refresh of your printer fleet or ready to move to a new Managed Print Service, BAC has designed two new green printing solutions that will reduce your costs and carbon footprint.
Carbon Neutral Printers & MFPs:
BAC will carbon offset every device, plus the consumables they use over the lifetime of the product, through a simple bolt-on to the device purchase. This covers all elements of production, packaging, transportation, consumables. We close the loop with eco-conscious toner and device recycling programmes.
Carbon Neutral Managed Print Services:
Demonstrating the carbon offset of your Managed Print Service is important for many organisations. This service will carbon offset every
device, the consumables they use, plus engineer mileage for BAC services for the lifetime of each product.
More great reasons to choose BAC for carbon neutral printing:
• Eco toner saves energy
• Energy efficient power modes
• Advanced power management
• Energy saving design
• Ecological packaging
• Easy to recycle
• Single-use plastic reduction
• Long-life consumables